This blog post is meant to introduce you to the new Mars Hill publication called KNOWN. To do that properly, I want to start this story waaaaaaaaaay back so that you can really see how God affirmed this endeavor every step of the way.

Several years ago, I remember hearing about our partnership in Nicaragua and how we’re helping with a farm and a drug and alchohol rehab facility. My initial reaction was that I was just in awe that our church in Mobile was so intricately involved in truly partnering with a community thousands of miles away. It was so different from the “one week and done” mission trips I had grown up doing. I instantly wanted to know more.

When I came on staff last year as Communications Director, sharing stories like our Nicaragua partnership was important to me. As a wife and mother, sharing stories about our real struggles and victories was important to me. I know I am not alone in my desire to read and view and listen to content that goes deeper than the shallow waters that social media influencers offer.

I knew of other church’s putting out magazines, and I definitely wanted to do something like that. BUT, I had no idea how to make a magazine. I have zero layout and design experience other than being on the high school yearbook staff and that was long before Adobe InDesign and other cool softwares existed.

Then one Sunday, Brad Hill introduced me to a new gal, Sophie, and guess what Sophie used to do? Yep. She created and produced a Christian magazine. What are the chances? We were ready to roll.

Along with the newly formed Stories Team, we worked throughout the craziness of quarantine, and even though it seemingly took forever to finally click “PRINT ORDER” we are all so pleased to present this new publication with you all.

We titled this magazine KNOWN because we want cover to cover to be about Knowing God and being Known by Him. It’s our prayer that readers find encouragement, hope, and ultimately, Jesus within these pages. Being fully known by the one who created you is a powerful thought. The fact that God knows you- all of you-and still chooses to love you is such a beautifully overwhelming mystery. Abiding in this love is the most calming shelter. We hope you come to know this love and pray these pages point you there.

Pick up a printed copy at either of our campuses or view a digital copy. And if you’re willing, please share! Take an extra copy with you to work or share the online link with friends.

View digital copy of KNOWN


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Remembering Steve