Acts 3:11-26


  1. What stood out to you from our study of Acts 3:11-26 on Sunday?

  2. What names and titles does Peter use to describe Jesus in Acts 3:11-26, and what do they teach us

    about Jesus’ nature, character, and purpose in coming?

  3. What practical lessons do we learn about sharing the gospel from Peter’s second sermon? How does Peter make it clear his audience are sinners and therefore guilty and stand condemned (cf. vs 12-18)? What gospel hope does Peter present in Acts 3:16-20? What response does Peter call for in Acts 3:19?

  4. Though they acted in ignorance, God knew exactly what he was doing. What do we learn about the gospel from Acts 3:18 and what Paul says in Romans 1:1-2? Though they crucified the Savior, they could not stop God’s plan of redemption. How does this encourage you?

  5. What do Peter and Paul say we must do to be saved (cf. Acts 2:38, 3:19a, and 16:31)? What is the request of Psalm 51:9, the promise of Acts 3:19-20 and Colossians 2:13-15, and the assurance of Revelation 3:5? What does it mean to you to know that in Jesus, your sins are blotted out, but your name will never be blotted out of the book of life?

  6. In Peter’s second sermon, he once again points to the Old Testament to explain Jesus. This time, rather than simply quote Old Testament passages, he shows Jesus to be the true and better Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Moses. In other words, Peter shows us that the Old Testament content points to Jesus, and the Old Testament characters picture Jesus. What does this teach us about the united testimony of the Bible and Jesus? How does it encourage you to study the Bible further? How does Peter’s example help you in sharing the gospel with others?


Acts 3:11-26


Acts 3:1-16