Mars Hill Blog
Count It All Joy
With two obtrusive pumps attached to his body and strict doctors’ orders to remain in isolation, Danny Hannan went to church anyway. He brought a retractable chair for tailgating up to the side of the church and sat there all morning one Sunday. home. It was the closest he could get to his church family, but for him, it was enough.
Hope after Postpartum Depression
My transition into motherhood was hard, and not for the normal newborn reasons. I expected to be tired, and I expected to not know what I was doing. The hard part was what was going on inside my head.
Equipping to Serve at Mars Hill
We live in a day and age when people are little more than consumers, and as ministers, we can be tempted to provide religious services for religious consumers. But we are not called to consumption; rather we are called to a commission.
Exploring Minimalism
Verse after verse in the Bible point us to the peace in living simple lives. The kind of life not centered around stuff but one in which we “have learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Philippians 4).
Does Orthodoxy Really Lead to Orthopraxy?
So, what is it that moves us from sound doctrine to godly living? It’s the one thing Satan lacks—a desire for faithfulness. We must desire to act rightly from our orthodoxy, and that desire comes from a Spirit-given love.
Healthcare Hope During a Pandemic
The pandemic seems to have dug its tentacles into every thread of our lives, obviously healthcare being at the forefront. As one of our local missions partnerships, Victory Health Partners has certainly felt the effects of the past year.
A Way With Words: Christian Engagement in Digital Spaces
Is there really a way to have social media and maintain our Christian identity? Is the only way to “be a good Christian” on social media to not have social media? And how do we speak out against injustices while still representing Christ? Daniel addressed these concerns and so many more.
RECAP: Build on the Hill
We worshipped together, prayed together, were silly together, and learned more about each other and the God we serve. The foundation of our house feels stronger and there are clearer paths on which we need to hone in on.
It was a really fun day and my son has been asking hourly when we get to go back.
On Mission: Masatepe, Nicaragua
Today, the farm that Mars Hill purchased is functioning wonderfully as both an addiction rehabilitation center and separately as a cafe. Soon, the next group of guys will start their journey to freedom from addiction at the farm. While there, they will not only be treated for addiction but will be taught trades to help them find stable jobs again once they graduate from the program. Doctors are now on-site at the farm to be able to attend to the students in a much more immediate way.
Field Notes: Jose Leonel
From the way, sermons are prepared and the way, the service is structured to how activities are planned, having in mind every member’s inclusion and integral discipleship. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given to be a part of and learn from this wonderful and unique community that you have at Mars Hill, and I look forward to hearing about the great things that you’ll continue to accomplish for God’s kingdom.
Mother of Repair
“The kind of mother I think you really want to be is a Mother of Repair. This kind of mom is focused on reconciliation. This kind of mom does not shy away from the hard stuff. She rises and meets the mess head-on. She understands that God is in control and that her role isn’t to fix everything and make it all better but to just be there with truth in her words and grace in her hugs. Children, kids, teenagers, young adults.... they are all going to mess up, often in very big ways. During life’s darkest moments, children don’t need a mom who dances in the kitchen. They need a mother of repair.
KNOWN Spring/Summer 2021
KNOWN is a faith-based magazine produced by the people of Mars Hill Church about Knowing God and being Known by Him.
Field Notes: Sarah Grace Thompson
From the way, sermons are prepared and the way, the service is structured to how activities are planned, having in mind every member’s inclusion and integral discipleship. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given to be a part of and learn from this wonderful and unique community that you have at Mars Hill, and I look forward to hearing about the great things that you’ll continue to accomplish for God’s kingdom.
Celebrating Sarah
What a joy to celebrate Sarah Jacobs today and reflect upon her service to the Lord as Director of Mars Kids- Mobile! Anyone who has ever had a conversation with Sarah about kids ministry can attest to her unwavering passion for engaging those little hearts for Christ.
FORGE | Event Recap
To forge means to construct, establish, build-up, and mold, which all so easily translates to the faith-filled walk of a Christian man. Being a dedicated husband, father, son, and provider takes so much work- none of it comes easy. Authentic community is vital for men which is why it was so important for Mars Hill to start this new gathering called FORGE. The night was filled with worship, prayer, fellowship, and real conversations.