Mars Hill Blog
Mother of Repair
“The kind of mother I think you really want to be is a Mother of Repair. This kind of mom is focused on reconciliation. This kind of mom does not shy away from the hard stuff. She rises and meets the mess head-on. She understands that God is in control and that her role isn’t to fix everything and make it all better but to just be there with truth in her words and grace in her hugs. Children, kids, teenagers, young adults.... they are all going to mess up, often in very big ways. During life’s darkest moments, children don’t need a mom who dances in the kitchen. They need a mother of repair.
Remembering Steve
God used Steve to show me my own heart on more than one occasion. Many times, my generosity was much more about me than Steve. And I am thankful to God for letting me see that. I am trusting that God is making that new in my heart, along with many other things.
When Training up a Child feels like Failure
I hope that my testimony encourages parents who have done everything they could to surround their kids and grow them up in the truth of the gospel. I’m sure to my parents my story was looking a little bleak, but their efforts had a huge impact in the way I came to submit my life to Christ.
Goat in a Coat
We all want authentic community because that means we know each other well enough to notice when there is a need. It means we’re paying attention to each other.
PEOPLE of Mars Hill: David Hood
In an email interview, David shares about his family, his hobbies, and his faith. It’s our hope that by getting to know David, we will be reminded of the call we have as a church body to work with kids in our flock.
What it's like to deliver an Operation Christmas Child box
We pulled up to a section of shacks, and as we piled out of the SUV, three kids emerged from one of the little box houses. One of the missionaries opened the back hatch to reveal a small stack of Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.
PEOPLE of Mars Hill: Christa Hewett
Dispensing meds and administering rapid malaria tests to people in a poverty-stricken village in Africa is not a typical day for Christa Hewett. At home in Mobile, she is a wife, mother to three young kiddos, full-time nurse, and active Mars Hill Church member.
More than Just a Coach
What does it look like for ordinary Christian people to live out their faith in day to day life? It can be challenging to know just what serving God looks like outside of Sunday.