Mars Hill Blog
Count It All Joy
With two obtrusive pumps attached to his body and strict doctors’ orders to remain in isolation, Danny Hannan went to church anyway. He brought a retractable chair for tailgating up to the side of the church and sat there all morning one Sunday. home. It was the closest he could get to his church family, but for him, it was enough.
RECAP: Build on the Hill
We worshipped together, prayed together, were silly together, and learned more about each other and the God we serve. The foundation of our house feels stronger and there are clearer paths on which we need to hone in on.
It was a really fun day and my son has been asking hourly when we get to go back.
Field Notes: Jose Leonel
From the way, sermons are prepared and the way, the service is structured to how activities are planned, having in mind every member’s inclusion and integral discipleship. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given to be a part of and learn from this wonderful and unique community that you have at Mars Hill, and I look forward to hearing about the great things that you’ll continue to accomplish for God’s kingdom.
KNOWN Spring/Summer 2021
KNOWN is a faith-based magazine produced by the people of Mars Hill Church about Knowing God and being Known by Him.
Field Notes: Sarah Grace Thompson
From the way, sermons are prepared and the way, the service is structured to how activities are planned, having in mind every member’s inclusion and integral discipleship. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given to be a part of and learn from this wonderful and unique community that you have at Mars Hill, and I look forward to hearing about the great things that you’ll continue to accomplish for God’s kingdom.
Celebrating Sarah
What a joy to celebrate Sarah Jacobs today and reflect upon her service to the Lord as Director of Mars Kids- Mobile! Anyone who has ever had a conversation with Sarah about kids ministry can attest to her unwavering passion for engaging those little hearts for Christ.
FORGE | Event Recap
To forge means to construct, establish, build-up, and mold, which all so easily translates to the faith-filled walk of a Christian man. Being a dedicated husband, father, son, and provider takes so much work- none of it comes easy. Authentic community is vital for men which is why it was so important for Mars Hill to start this new gathering called FORGE. The night was filled with worship, prayer, fellowship, and real conversations.
Youth Winter Retreat: RECAP
It was a sad time when the weekend was over and we all said goodbye. I heard many people either talk about how they wished it was longer, or there would be another one soon. I too will miss everything about the weekend. But in conclusion, I learned that simply hearing the message is not enough, we need to practice it.
When Training up a Child feels like Failure
I hope that my testimony encourages parents who have done everything they could to surround their kids and grow them up in the truth of the gospel. I’m sure to my parents my story was looking a little bleak, but their efforts had a huge impact in the way I came to submit my life to Christ.
Youth Winter Retreat: RESPONSE
Last weekend was the Mars Hill Youth Retreat, and we really made a push to cover our teens in prayer. While an in-depth recap to share on the blog is currently in the works by one of our youth, I wanted to let you guys in on some of the responses we received from the retreat.
RECAP: A Call to Arms
Looking back over all the pictures coming out of “A Call to Arms: an honest conversation about manhood and the gospel” the word power just keeps coming to mind. I mean, just look at all those fighter jets! You can close your eyes and imagine the roar of the powerful engines as the plane crosses the sky. These jets served as the perfect backdrop for an event focused on a powerful issue: safeguarding our minds against sexual sin.
Ecclesia Academy
What is Ecclesia Academy? A year-long, seminary-level training course for those in the church to dive deep into the Bible, theology, discipleship, and leadership development.
PEOPLE of Mars Hill: David Hood
In an email interview, David shares about his family, his hobbies, and his faith. It’s our hope that by getting to know David, we will be reminded of the call we have as a church body to work with kids in our flock.
Worship with your Family
Let’s start with the question, “What is worship?” I like the definition John Piper gives: “True worship is a valuing or a treasuring of God above all things.” Deuteronomy 6:5 states “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
Gospel Living
Never in a million years did I think that place would be Salt Lake City, Utah. I had the opportunity to travel out to SLC twice in college with the college group at Mars Hill and participate in inner-faith dialogues and immediately was exposed to some of the brokenness here. A couple of months before graduating from UM, and not having any idea what the next step was going to be, I was told about an internship in SLC working alongside a church plant for the summer.