RECAP: A Call to Arms

Looking back over all the pictures coming out of “A Call to Arms: an honest conversation about manhood and the gospel” the word power just keeps coming to mind. I mean, just look at all those fighter jets! You can close your eyes and imagine the roar of the powerful engines as the plane crosses the sky. These jets served as the perfect backdrop for an event focused on a powerful issue: safeguarding our minds against sexual sin.

Guest speaker Traylor Lovvorn shared his gut-wrenching experience with pornography and sex addiction. His marriage and family were shattered by the powerful grip this sin had on his life, but God’s transforming grace was stronger. His marriage and family were restored, and now he runs Undone Redone Ministries. This ministry focuses on helping men rediscover authentic manhood, restoring hope for women after betrayal, reviving and renewing relationships, and protecting and engaging children’s hearts (

Topics regarding sexual sin are never comfortable or easy which makes events like this even more vital. There are so many feelings like shame associated with sexual sin which leads to isolation for many men. Gathering together to share and bear each other’s burdens is what authentic community is all about. And I think that was felt at this event.

Josh Pepper, Mars Hill member, sums it up perfectly: “Traylor’s testimony reminds us that shame and fear Isolate us and keep our sin hidden in the shadows. But, through events like this, men can come together in community and connect to one another’s stories and share each other’s burdens.”

If you are living under the power of sin, you are not alone and there is hope. Absolutely anyone on the Mars Hill Staff, as well as our Elders, would be happy to listen to your situation, pray with you, and offer you Christ-centered guidance. Contact information for all Staff and Elders are found at


Youth Winter Retreat: RESPONSE


Goat in a Coat