Fairhope Campus
Join us for worship and study!
Sunday Gatherings:
8:45 am and 10:30 am
Mars Hill Church - Fairhope Campus
17176 South Greeno Road
Fairhope, AL 36532
Join us this Sunday at 8:45 am or 10:30 am. All gatherings have a live teaching pastor, live music, and a relaxed atmosphere. Our 8:45 am service has a great kids ministry for birth through 6th grade. Our 10:30 am service has activities during the service for kids and students from birth to 8th grade. Feel free to grab some of our free coffee when you walk in or bring some of your own.
We try to keep our setting as laid back as possible. When you walk in the lobby there will be a welcome desk with someone there to answer any questions you might have, help you check in your kids, and show you where to go. We meet downstairs in our gym for worship. Our objective is that you find yourself in a place where you can relax, participate how you want, and connect to the scriptures as they are being taught from our team of pastors
Community Groups
Community Groups are how we make today’s church resemble the first-century church: by gathering in one another’s homes and public spaces, discussing scripture, praying for one another, and sharing life together.