Three Pillars

Mars Hill Church is rooted on three main pillars: Biblical Teaching, Gospel Community, and Intentional Discipleship. Read more below about each of these fundamental pillars for our church.

  • Biblical Teaching

    Mars Hill is committed to teaching the truth and depth of God's Word. Our preferred style of teaching/preaching is expository (verse by verse) through a single book of the Bible at a time.

    We have a team of teaching pastors who are trained, equipped, and studied in the Scriptures. These pastors meet together weekly, along with other members of our staff, to challenge one another in the passage, discuss what it means for the church today, and pray that God would use his Word to challenge the hearts of his people.

  • Gospel Community

    We believe God's people should display a genuine love and affection for one another. God said that the world would know we are his by the way we love one another (John 13:35). We were created in the image of a communal God, therefore we naturally desire community.

    At Mars Hill, we encourage authentic, biblical community through discussion of God's Word, confession, encouragement, challenging one another to become more like Christ in our daily lives.

    We expect the church to be a place where people can be honest about who they are and be changed by the Word of God.

  • Intentional Discipleship

    Mars Hill is working to cultivate a culture of intentional discipleship that permeates our entire church family and beyond. We hope to see intentional discipleship practiced throughout each of the ministries within our church family as we work to equip the saints for the work of ministry. We believe intentional discipleship should begin at birth and end with a believer’s last breath on this earth. Our leadership purposefully teaches this mentality, starting with our children's ministry, by calling parents to be the primary spiritual influencers in their children's lives. The intentional discipleship calling is continued through each of our age and stage ministries through our Primetimers ministry.

Check out this video to explore our Three Pillars in more detail.