What is Ecclesia Academy? A year-long, seminary-level training course for those in the church to dive deep into the Bible, theology, discipleship, and leadership development.

Why are we doing Ecclesia Academy? We believe that the local church is the primary place where God calls and equips believers for every good work (2 Tim 3:16–17). Ecclesia Academy exists to enrich the faith of believers and to develop leaders who will serve in the local church.

How does Ecclesia Academy work? Ecclesia Academy offers classes year-round. Varying in length from three to eight weeks, the topics include Bible, theology, discipleship, leadership, and special topics. Classes consist of small cohorts to facilitate community and to enable one-on-one teaching. Throughout the year, EA will also host one-time seminars on special topics with local or guest presenters. EA also offers a year-long pastoral internship.

Who is Ecclesia Academy? If you want to dive deeper into your faith, then EA is the place for you. For those looking to enrich their understanding of the Bible and theology, we recommend the Basis Track. If you are discerning a call to lead in the local church--whether that's as a community group leader, deacon, or elder--then sign up for the Leadership Track. If you are looking for enrichment and leadership, then sign up for both.

How many applicants will be accepted into an Ecclesia Academy cohort? 15. There will be one cohort in Mobile and another in Fairhope. Each cohort will only accept 15 students. Cohorts are intentionally small to foster deep connections.

What am I committing to if selected for an Ecclesia Academy cohort? It’s a big commitment. If selected, you will be committing to the full year of coursework. Classes meet on Thursdays from 6pm-8:30pm.

How can I engage in Ecclesia Academy without being a student? This is such an important question! As a church, our support of these students is vital. Ecclesia Academy will be producing servant leaders in our church. We need to pray for them and encourage them throughout this year-long process.

To apply or to find out more information go to ecclesia.academy.


Fairhope Family Day


October RECAP