Mars Hill Blog
Healthcare Hope During a Pandemic
The pandemic seems to have dug its tentacles into every thread of our lives, obviously healthcare being at the forefront. As one of our local missions partnerships, Victory Health Partners has certainly felt the effects of the past year.
On Mission: Masatepe, Nicaragua
Today, the farm that Mars Hill purchased is functioning wonderfully as both an addiction rehabilitation center and separately as a cafe. Soon, the next group of guys will start their journey to freedom from addiction at the farm. While there, they will not only be treated for addiction but will be taught trades to help them find stable jobs again once they graduate from the program. Doctors are now on-site at the farm to be able to attend to the students in a much more immediate way.
Field Notes: Jose Leonel
From the way, sermons are prepared and the way, the service is structured to how activities are planned, having in mind every member’s inclusion and integral discipleship. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given to be a part of and learn from this wonderful and unique community that you have at Mars Hill, and I look forward to hearing about the great things that you’ll continue to accomplish for God’s kingdom.
KNOWN Spring/Summer 2021
KNOWN is a faith-based magazine produced by the people of Mars Hill Church about Knowing God and being Known by Him.
Field Notes: Sarah Grace Thompson
From the way, sermons are prepared and the way, the service is structured to how activities are planned, having in mind every member’s inclusion and integral discipleship. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given to be a part of and learn from this wonderful and unique community that you have at Mars Hill, and I look forward to hearing about the great things that you’ll continue to accomplish for God’s kingdom.
Field Notes: Egypt
Flying into Cairo was a dream come true for me, and the thought of walking where the stories of Scripture happened awoke in me a childlike excitement. Cairo has an estimated 17 million people living there, with the number likely being much higher. I grew up in smalltown Alabama with a population under 8k, so seeing that vast city and the many people that live there was overwhelming.
Field Notes: Indonesia
Morning in Mobile, Al means it is evening in Jakarta, Indonesia. Though we live in entirely different parts of the world and time zones, we are all experiencing similar things. The entire world, for the most part, is taking part in the "stay at home" initiative. Although not everyone is joining in, many are staying home to slow the spread of COVID19.
Field Notes: India
Much is happening in the wide world outside of our bubble here in Mobile, Ala. I must have looked at the blank screen for an hour before I even began to summarize the conversation I was in with our coworker in the gospel serving India. Not only does Samuel serve India, but he also works with folks in Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal. Just typing out that fact stressed me out.
Get Rid of Your Junk & Change a Life
Ransom Recycling was born out of the need to provide steady work for men who have completed Ransom ReProgram.
Nicaragua Recap
A group of five of us, from both Mars Hill campuses, recently traveled to Masatepe, Nicaragua, to work on some projects with a ministry that Mars Hill supports. One Collective is a community transformation ministry working to provide better resources for a stable community, while also seeking to live and proclaim the gospel of Christ among the local people.
Reaching the nations... right where you live: Friends of Internationals
Since 1998, Jim and Mary Mather have led the Friends of Internationals ministry at the University of South Alabama and served as surrogate family for students who are worlds away from the comforts of home.
Horizons International
Hey Mars Family! As a missionary with Horizons International supported by our church I want to share a little bit with you about what God is doing among Muslims in the Middle East!
What it's like to deliver an Operation Christmas Child box
We pulled up to a section of shacks, and as we piled out of the SUV, three kids emerged from one of the little box houses. One of the missionaries opened the back hatch to reveal a small stack of Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.
Partners in Ministry: Victory Health
We hear the personal, heartbreaking stories of families struggling through medical issues, and we want to help, we’re just not sure what to do. So for many of us, we let the compassion for these families fade as soon as the news cuts to commercial. Because when the problem is so big and overwhelming and complex, well, how could one person make a dent?
PEOPLE of Mars Hill: Christa Hewett
Dispensing meds and administering rapid malaria tests to people in a poverty-stricken village in Africa is not a typical day for Christa Hewett. At home in Mobile, she is a wife, mother to three young kiddos, full-time nurse, and active Mars Hill Church member.
Grateful for the Cafe
2018 has been quite the year, in a good way. So much has happened since I began officially as the general manager of Mars Hill Café back in January. As I type this evening, memories flood my head of all that has occurred so far—memories for which I am grateful.
Gospel Living
Never in a million years did I think that place would be Salt Lake City, Utah. I had the opportunity to travel out to SLC twice in college with the college group at Mars Hill and participate in inner-faith dialogues and immediately was exposed to some of the brokenness here. A couple of months before graduating from UM, and not having any idea what the next step was going to be, I was told about an internship in SLC working alongside a church plant for the summer.
For the Sake of God's Glory
Bosnia and Herzegovina sounds like a fair destination for tourism. It is in fact a location marked with great historical significance including, the Ottoman empire, the assignation of Franz Ferdinand that sparked World War I, and an interesting Civil War that happened there in the 90’s. There are sights to see, trails to walk, information boards to read, but, no, it doesn’t carry the same ring as destinations of other short-term mission trips. It isn’t South America or Africa. It’s Europe, Eastern Europe to be exact. Wasn’t Europe the epicenter of Christianity for hundreds of years? So, why would an American church send missionaries there?
Rest For Nicaragua
As you may already know, Nicaragua is experiencing civil unrest. Political uncertainty has thrown the economy into a downward spiral, which will inevitably hit the small business development and the "empowerment model" of our mission the hardest. As a result, our Nicaraguan friends and the One Collective (Iteams) crew have shifted their focus, at least for the time being, from development to relief.