Field Notes: India

Much is happening in the wide world outside of our bubble here in Mobile, Ala. I must have looked at the blank screen for an hour before I even began to summarize the conversation I was in with our coworker in the gospel serving India. Not only does Samuel serve India, but he also works with folks in Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal. Just typing out that fact stressed me out.

Samuel's health is good, and he remains in his apartment like many of his neighbors in India and the world. Though his physical health is good, I could see on his face, even in a video chat, that his heart is with a heavy burden. Samuel has not left his home in 4 weeks except for a couple of times to get groceries and supplies. The COVID-19 Crisis has India on full lock-down. His wife and daughter are in the states, leaving him at home alone during this time of Crisis. Even still, their return is up in the air. Due to potential persecution, they are trying to decide if they will come back or stay in the US. But then staying in the US is challenging as well for various reasons that they must navigate wisely. They will need prayer in this area for sure and potentially much provision.

Even with this heaviness of heart, Samuel still has the strength to proclaim that God is moving in India. He shared with Jack and me that as many as 50k believers joined together in prayer during the Holy Week of Easter. All of this was of immense encouragement. He also shared that he and his team gather daily for devotion and prayer over various video platforms. We all agreed on how thankful we are to have this ability to meet online. Furthermore, it is incredible we can have a video conversation from Mobile, AL. with our brother in India.

However, the conversation then turned wearily toward what persecution looks like for the believers in India, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal. The Indian Government is using the COVID-19 Crisis as a vehicle to intensify the persecution. They are driving toward keeping "large gathering" restrictions in place even when the Crisis is over. When the Christian church is providing aid like food or medical help, the Government puts the brakes on and says, the church is using this to proselytize. The needs during this time in India are frankly overwhelming to me. Even before the COVID-19 Crisis began, there was significant persecution and needs. With COVID-19 lock-downs in full swing, now the needs are even greater and the request for prayer at an all-time high. Believers take time to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in India.

For them meeting together is more than just fellowship; it is the lifeblood a way of survival.

Finally, as I talked about earlier, we are blessed with the ability to communicate even during this isolation. Alas, there are many, dare I say, a majority of the believers throughout India who live in small rural villages. Due to where they live, their access to the internet and other forms of communication to have a semblance of fellowship is nonexistent. They are completely isolated, and many are illiterate, unable to be comforted by the Word of God. For them meeting together is more than just fellowship; it is the lifeblood a way of survival. Believer, take time after reading this to pray for our fellow believers in India. Pray for provision and needs to be met. Pray for endurance to make it through the COVID-19 Crisis and for the Holy Spirit to be tangibly present to them as they shelter in place. For those who are painfully isolated and unable even to read God's word, pray for them to hear God speak in unique ways to bring them comfort.


Pastor for Worship and Missions

Mars Hill Mobile Campus.


Letters While Separated- Weekly Compilation


Letters While Separated- Weekly Compilation