Field Notes: Egypt

Flying into Cairo was a dream come true for me, and the thought of walking where the stories of Scripture happened awoke in me a childlike excitement. Cairo has an estimated 17 million people living there, with the number likely being much higher. I grew up in smalltown Alabama with a population under 8k, so seeing that vast city and the many people that live there was overwhelming.

Growing up in an analog world and watching the transition to digital communication, I am still awed by the ability to have a video conversation with a fellow believer half-way around the world. It feels like I make mention of this fact in some way for all of these posts, but I want to call us to be thankful for the abilities we have to communicate. Anytime I get to connect with a fellow believer like Michael, who is faithfully serving God where he is, challenges and encourages me. 

The news of his and his family doing well was great to hear. For many in Egypt this is not the case. They, like many of us, are staying home as much as possible and spending copious amounts of time together. Too, like most of us, this has been a splendid side effect. He pointed out in our conversation that the COVID19 crisis was not an event happening in someplace far away; a war in the middle east, a riot in China, an earthquake in South America that we read about in the news. This crisis is happening to the entire world and has forced us all to stop and "be" together.

The COVID19 crisis was not an event happening in someplace far away; a war in the middle east, a riot in China, an earthquake in South America that we read about in the news. This crisis is happening to the entire world and has forced us all to stop and "be" together.

In his wisdom, Michael, during this time, is trying to learn what God desires to teach us—practicing the Spiritual Discipline of Silence. This particular discipline, consequently, is challenging but worth your time. I recently read Richard Foster’s “Celebration of Discipline” where he points out, "Silence is one of the deepest Disciplines  of the Spirit simply because it puts the stopper on all self-justification.” During his times of silence, Michael said,"God Almighty has something to say, I believe, not that he has initiated this virus but allowed it to happen...I am praying for America, Australia, the UK, that this will cause them to cry out to God and see their need for Him." He is praying for the Church that God's glory will show through her at this time. " We need each other more than ever," he says as he expresses his thankfulness for our time together over video chat. 

““God Almighty has something to say, I believe, not that he has initiated this virus but allowed it to happen...I am praying for America, Australia, the UK, that this will cause them to cry out to God and see their need for Him.””

The response overall by the Government in Egypt has been very serious, imposing an 8 pm-6 am curfew and shutting down the government offices and encouraging all nonessentials to follow their example. Michael expressed that the uneducated aren't taking it seriously. Some of this is due to the fact; there is a historical mistrust of the Government. The numbers given are strikingly low. The health system there, like much of the world, is in no way prepared. The outer villages seem to be living on another planet, he says and not taking the warnings to heart. This fact is deeply troubling to Michael.

The work for Michael and the team continues, and they are creative as possible, doing as much online content as they can under the circumstances. Many of their projects canceled for now or put on hold. They continue to pray and stay connected as they are able. The annual celebration of Ramadan is in full swing, and Muslims are frustrated they are unable to meet like normal. Christ-followers experienced this during the Easter season globally but still celebrated the risen Christ. Now it is their turn. The Month of fasting, prayer, and evening feasting will be much different for them. During this time of disconnectedness for Muslims, there is a unique opportunity for us to pray for them. Pray that Christ would come to them in dreams and visions. Pray that we could see an awakening happen among them, but also, going back to the earlier statement, pray for revival to happen in our own body of believers. 

The persecution of the Christians there has had no considerable change as Muslims and Christians alike are focused on the COVID19 crisis. The most significant prayer request, though, was for MBB (Muslim Background Believers.) Imagine you are a new Christian, the only Christian in a household of Muslims, and quarantining there with them. Maybe you don't have the ability to facetime with other believers or any fellowship at all. My heart breaks for those in this situation and drives me to pray God's word over them. 

Psalm 119:50

[50] This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life. (ESV)

Even in this time of isolation and quarantine, there is cause for praise and thanksgiving. Enjoy like Michael, the time you have with your family; don't squander these moments. Take every advantage to seek the Lord in these days of sheltering in place. Take your shelter in the shadow of the Most High.

Psalm 27:5

[5] For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent. he will lift me high upon a rock. (ESV)

Brad Hill

Pastor For Missions and Worship

Mars Hill Mobile Campus


Remembering Steve


Letters While Separated- Weekly Compilation