May Recap
What a joy and absolute pleasure to be able to do a recap of all that’s been going on recently in the life of our church. This time last year, in-person activities had ground to a halt, and life as we knew it became one zoom call after the next.
Things are picking up again now, and if it feels like the past month was jam-packed with events… well, it was! I think we are collectively breathing relief that we are all BACK and can fellowship together. It is so sweet to be together as a church family.
Brad Hill, Family Pastor, blessing and praying over a family during the Family Commitment Service
We celebrated so many milestones together. Both campuses held Family Commitment Services in which we as a church committed to partnering with parents in pointing their children to Christ. It’s incredibly meaningful to see the pictures of these babies flash across the screen while we look on as our family pastors and kids directors are blessing each child. It’s a holy moment, knowing these squishy babies will grow and mature and make a thousand mistakes, but praying they learn as early as possible about their Savior who overcomes.
Justin McGehee, Youth Pastor, serving families at the HS Recognition Luncheon
Just as we blessed those babies, we celebrated the Big Kids who graduated High School this semester; yet another wonderful milestone to recognize and bless. We have peace knowing how much we poured into these young people’s lives as they grew up under our care. We pray to continue to see the seeds of faith planted into their hearts all these years flourish as they step into adulthood.
We bid farewell to Jud, our pastoral intern in the final week of May. Man, Jud was really fun to have around. And he rocked announcements. #teamjudforever
Enjoying pancakes together one Sunday morning (Mobile).
In Mobile, we had a pancake breakfast one Sunday morning in between services that was so fun, and I am still dreaming about those macaroons. Fairhope had a men’s crawfish boil one Saturday. Plus a new women’s bible study started up in Mobile. Thrive & Flourish (Mobile), Women’s Prayer Community (Mobile), and Breakfast & Psalms (Fairhope) all brought so much comfort and community to our ladies. What a beautiful church family we have. Thank you, Lord.
The best macaroons I’ve ever had.
This summer holds several opportunities for you to jump in and engage with the Lord and the people of Mars Hill. We invited you to participate in it all!
Women’s Summer Bible Study on ELIJAH- June 15