Mars Hill Blog

Intentional Discipleship Mars Hill Church Intentional Discipleship Mars Hill Church

RECAP: Build on the Hill

We worshipped together, prayed together, were silly together, and learned more about each other and the God we serve. The foundation of our house feels stronger and there are clearer paths on which we need to hone in on.

It was a really fun day and my son has been asking hourly when we get to go back.

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Spiritual Growth, Stories Mars Hill Church Spiritual Growth, Stories Mars Hill Church

Mother of Repair

“The kind of mother I think you really want to be is a Mother of Repair. This kind of mom is focused on reconciliation. This kind of mom does not shy away from the hard stuff. She rises and meets the mess head-on. She understands that God is in control and that her role isn’t to fix everything and make it all better but to just be there with truth in her words and grace in her hugs. Children, kids, teenagers, young adults.... they are all going to mess up, often in very big ways. During life’s darkest moments, children don’t need a mom who dances in the kitchen. They need a mother of repair.

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Spiritual Growth Mars Hill Church Spiritual Growth Mars Hill Church

A Thrill of Hope

You are weary. But you too can take hold and claim that thrill of hope. Hope in God’s great rescue plan for His weary children. We get a glimpse of this gift at Christmas; in this Silent and Holy Night.

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