Acts 4:32-37


  1. What stood out to you from our study of Acts 4:32-37 on Sunday? What questions arose?

  2. What has changed in the church’s context since Acts 2:42-47 (cf. Acts 4:3)? Despite the dramatic increase of the church growing to 5,000 households, what is still true and happening according to Acts 4:32-37? Why is that so significant? What does it tell us about some of the characteristics the gospel produces in believers?

  3. What do you think it means that they were “all of one heart and soul?” What word(s) did Luke use in Acts 2:44, 46, and 4:24? How are all these words a testimony to the power of the gospel?

  4. In light of Genesis 12:7, 13:14-15, 15:8, Exodus 3:8 and 17, why is it so significant that Israelites are now willing to sell their land and use the proceeds to care for others? What does that say about the change that has occurred in their hearts and their true treasure and future hope? What does verse 33 tell us about the root motivation behind their generosity?

  5. We asked the following questions when we studied Acts 2:42-47, but it is important to revisit them since Acts 4:32-37 repeats the very same themes. Why is it important to note that they voluntarily decided to dispossess themselves for the sake of those who had need? What does it teach us about grace (cf. 2 Cor 8:1-9)? Why does gospel generosity naturally overflow from gospel understanding and gospel community?

  6. What do you think it means that they “brought the proceeds” and “laid them it at the apostle’s feet?” What did this require? Is this difficult for you? Why or why not?

  7. Are the characteristics and heart commitments you observe in Acts 4:32-37 increasingly true in your life? Are they increasingly true in the context of our church? What influence, leadership, or action steps can you take to cultivate these characteristics and heart commitments even further and fill any voids you see?


Acts 5:1-11


Acts 4:32-37