Acts 1:5-8


  1. What stood out to you from our study of Acts 1:6-8 on Sunday?

  2. How does Acts 1:8 serve as an outline, theme verse, and table of contents for the whole book of Acts?

    What do we learn about when, where, and who the gospel is for from Acts 1:8?

  3. In response to Jesus’ command for the apostles to wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power and filled with the Spirit, the apostles asked a question in verse 6. Regarding their question, John Calvin says, “There are as many errors in their question as there are words.” What do the disciples ask Jesus in verse 6, and what does it reveal about how they misunderstand the power, timing, and kingdom of God? Based on their perspective, when is the kingdom, who is the kingdom for, and where does the kingdom exist?

  4. To be fair to the apostles, the promise of God establishing his kingdom by pouring out his Spirit and making them witnesses to the nations was not new (cf. Isa 42:1; 44:3; 49:6; 59:21; Ezek 36:24–28; 37:14; 39:29; Joel 2:28–3:1; Lk 19:11). How does Jesus answer their question and reframe their perspective about the timing of God’s kingdom and its final and ultimate establishment in Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:14, and 36? If the time and date are not to preoccupy their thoughts, what is, according to Acts 1:8? What does this teach us about what should preoccupy our thoughts until Jesus’ return?

  5. The disciple’s limited understanding reduced the gospel and the Kingdom of God to a specific time, people, and location. How do we tend to limit the gospel of Jesus Christ in similar ways today? How does Jesus’ answer in verses 7 and 8 correct our understanding (cf. Rev 17:9)?

  6. What was the ultimate purpose for waiting for the Holy Spirit to come, according to Acts 1:8? What promise did God issue in Isaiah 49:6, and how is it similar to Acts 1:8? What are the apostles witnesses of according to Luke 24:44-48 and Acts 1:3? When we get to Acts 8:1 and 4, who are the witnesses that testify to Jesus’ reality and resurrection power? If the gospel is not limited to only the professional spiritual elite to proclaim, what does that mean for us, and how can we testify to his reality and resurrection power today?

  7. What are you encouraged by most from Acts 1:8?


Acts 1:9-11


Acts 1:5-8