Acts 2:12-40

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  1. How were you moved, encouraged, or convicted from our study of Acts 2:14-21 and 37-40 on Sunday?

  2. Acts 2 is only 7 weeks removed from the night Jesus was betrayed. Why is it such an amazing and encouraging sight to see Peter standing up, addressing the multitude boldly, and making a reasoned argument from the Scriptures (cf. Matt 26:69-75)? What does this teach us about the grace of Jesus, the power of the Spirit, and the ability of God to use our stories for his glory?

  3. Acts 2:14-40 covers Peter’s first gospel presentation and the response of the crowd. How would you summarize and outline the gospel message he proclaims? The gospel is the good news of salvation for hell-deserving sinners through the person and work of Jesus. The gospel is a two-sided coin presenting the holiness and hope, greatness and grace, and truth and love of God. What errors occur if we only present one half of the gospel message? Why are both necessary for repentance?

  4. What does God say to his people in Joel 1:5, 15, 2:1-2 and how does that text and context issue a strong rebuke to those in Acts 2:13 who accuse the disciples of drunkenness? Who are the ones who are actually sober and see clearly in Acts 2:1-13? What does this teach us about the minds of our unbelieving friends and family (cf. 2 Cor 4:3-6), and how does it inform your prayers for them?

  5. What invitation does God offer in Joel 2:12-13 and what promises does God offer to those who repent and call on the name of the Lord in Joel 2:23-32? How do those promises answer the question of Acts 2:12?

  6. Why is the promise of Joel 2:28-29/ Acts 2:17-18 such good news for us against the Old Testament backdrop where usually only prophets, priests, and kings received the Spirit for a designated time (cf Ex. 35:30–31, Jdg 11:29, 14:6, 19, 15:14, Num 11:24-30)?

  7. What does it mean to repent? What are the two responses Jesus calls for in Mark 1:15, and how do they help us better understand repentance (cf. Acts 3:19-20 and 20:21)?

  8. What would you say is the difference between true and false repentance (i.e. gospel repentance and counterfeit repentance)? What’s the difference between seeing sin as breaking God’s law and seeing sin as breaking God’s heart? What does true repentance look and sound like according to Psalm 51:4, 10, 17, Joel 2:12-13, Acts 2:37, Luke 19:8-9, and 2 Corinthians 7:9-10?

  9. Where does true repentance originate from, according to Ezekiel 36:22-27, Acts 11:18, Zechariah 12:10, Luke 22:60-62, Romans 2:4? What does it look like to live a life of repentance? How can we encourage a life, disposition, and heart of repentance in gospel community together?


Acts 2:22-41


Acts 2:14-40