Acts 6:1-7


  1. What caught your attention from our study of Acts 6:1-7 on Sunday? Were there any questions or new insights that arose from our study?

  2. What occurred in the early church according to Luke 2:45, and what is the complaint in Luke 6:1? What do we learn about the early church from the fact that “a complaint arose?” What do we learn from the fact that Luke doesn’t hide this complaint and disagreement from us?

  3. As a result of the widows being overlooked, what greater tension arises in the text in verse 2? What inner tension might the apostles feel in light of Jesus’ instruction in Mark 10:45, John 13:13-14, and Acts 1:8?

  4. Sometimes, in the church, there is great debate over the importance of mercy ministries versus ministries of the word. Have you ever felt that tension? How does Acts 6:1-7 (and specifically vss. 2-4) hold both in balance?

  5. How did the apostles address the complaint and resolve the tension according to Acts 6:3-4? How do Romans 12:4-6 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 help us understand the heart of the apostles in Acts 6:3-4 and the ministry opportunity for every member of the body?

  6. What was the response to the apostles’ wisdom according to Acts 6:5, and why is it so surprising?

  7. How does the spiritual gifting of every believer free the church to accomplish both mercy ministries

    and ministries of the word?

  8. What threats exist if the narrative ends at verse 2 and we don’t operate in our gifting? What two things increased because the conflict was resolved (cf Acts 6:7)? What remarkable new development occurs in Acts 6:7b because the tension is resolved? Why do you think we’re given that small detail in vs 7b?

  9. As we close our discussion, ask the Lord to give you wisdom on how you can serve the rest of your Mars Hill family and play a part in the word of God continuing to increase and disciples multiplying.


Acts 6:8-7:1


Acts 6:1-7