Acts 20:17-38


  1. What were your biggest takeaways from our study of Acts 20:17-38?

  2. In Acts 20, Paul is on his farewell tour of encouragement. He encourages new believers, mature disciples, whole churches, and now, in verses 17-38, the Ephesian elders. What specific character traits does Paul model for them and urge them toward in this text?

  3. What does Paul want the Ephesian elders to remember about how he lived among them? What similarities do you see in his encouragement in Acts 20:17-28 with his encouragement to Timothy in 1 Timothy 3:11-17?

  4. What do we learn from these verses about at least one way the early church was organized and led? What are some advantages of having a plurality of elders rather than a singular pastor or hierarchical structure? What do we learn about the role of an elder from the three words Paul uses to describe the leaders of the Ephesian church (i.e., elder, overseer, and shepherd)?

  5. Paul encourages the Ephesian elders to pay close and careful attention to their own lives before they pay attention to the flock they have been assigned. He tells Timothy to be persistent in examining his own heart (c.g. 1 Tim 4:16). What does this mean, and why is this so important? Though his wisdom is specifically directed toward elders, is such wisdom limited only to elders (c.g., Lk 21:34 and 1 Peter 5:8)?

  6. Paul also encourages the Ephesian elders to pay close and careful attention to the flock in which the Holy Spirit has made them overseers. How does an elder know who he is assigned to oversee and care for (c.g. Heb 13:17)? What does it look like for an elder to care for the flock (c.g. 1 Peter 5:1-3, John 10:7-15)? What does it look like according to Paul’s words in Acts 20:17-38? Based on Ephesians 4:11-14, what does Paul say is the primary reason elders are given?

  7. In Acts 20:29-30 Paul warns that fierce wolves will come from outside and inside the church after he departs. According to Jesus, how do we spot a wolf (c.g. Matt 7:15-20)? In 1 and 2 Timothy, Paul provides Timothy with even more concrete characteristics to spot and defend against wolves as he pastored the church at Ephesus. What are a few characteristics Paul identifies in just 1 Timothy 1:3-7 and 2 Tim 3:1-9? Why is this instruction necessary and helpful?

  8. What do you notice about how the church was redeemed according to Acts 20:28, and why is this statement so significant? What does it teach us about Jesus? What does it teach us about the importance of the church to God?

  9. In Acts 20:32, Paul says he entrusts the Ephesian elders, and thereby the Ephesian church, “to God and the word of His grace, which is able to build [them] up and give [them] the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” Who is it that builds up and sanctifies the church, and how does he do it? What is Paul confessing at this moment, and why is it so remarkable and encouraging? Why is this liberating and comforting for elders? Though Paul’s words are directed to the Ephesian elders — leaders he raised and taught — how is verse 32 also applicable, helpful, and comforting to singles, spouses, parents, grandparents, or any disciple-maker in the church?

  10. With so much wonderful encouragement in Acts 20:17-38, what will you apply from our study? How can you encourage a Mars Hill elder this week?


Acts 20:17-38


Acts 20:1-16