Acts 9:22-31


  1. What did you learn from our study of Acts 9:22-31 on Sunday?

  2. Luke uses a word for strength in Acts 9:22 that makes it clear Saul’s transformation, growth, and confounding of the Jews are not just his natural ability but the powerful work of the Holy Spirit. Why is that important for Luke to make clear and for us to know and remember (e.g., 1 Cor 1:26-31, Eph 2:1-9)?

  3. Saul went to Damascus a raging Pharisee, but left proclaiming the grace of God in Jesus. Saul went to Damascus the persecutor of Christ, but left as the hunted and persecuted follower of Jesus. What does that tell us about the authenticity of his faith? What does it teach us about the power of the gospel to transform and strengthen?

  4. Though few of us face the level of opposition to our faith that we see in Acts or against Saul, what threats and fears do we deal with in proclaiming Jesus? What can we learn from Saul’s conversion, immediate actions, and ministry that gives us hope and confidence?

  5. Saul’s people and brothers-in-arms immediately want to cut him off and kill him. In contrast, the Christians Saul despised were the ones who accepted him, embraced him, called him family, and risked their lives for him. How is that attitude possible? What does that comparison and contrast teach us about the character, beauty, and wonder of genuine gospel community?

  6. How are Jesus’ words in Mark 10:29-31 pictured in what we see here in Acts 9:22-31 with Saul? Have you ever experienced being cut off from others for your faith and yet the warm embrace of your Kingdom family?

  7. What do you make of the fact that Saul wants to almost immediately “join” (lit. cling to or attach himself to) the disciples in Jerusalem?

  8. What does Barnabas do for Saul in Acts 9:27 that secures Saul’s acceptance and freedom among the community of faith (revealed in verse 28)? How do Barnabas’ actions reflect and portray the work and ministry of Jesus? How does Barnabas exemplify, and maybe inspire, Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 5:16-21?

  9. In this text, Barnabas lives up to his nickname, the Son of Encouragement. What are some tangible ways we can follow the pattern of Barnabas’ charitable, hospitable, and welcoming ways? Who do you know that could use an advocate or words of life and encouragement? What’s stopping you from giving them freely, generously, and preemptively?

  10. What are the results of Saul’s conversion, Barnabas’ encouragement, and the church receiving this outsider based on Acts 9:31? What are the things in verse 31 that precede numerical growth? How can we make the most of our relative time of peace to be built up spiritually, to grow in reverence and obedience to God, and to grow in comfort and encouragement of the Spirit?


Acts 9:32-43


Acts 9:22-31