Acts 10:1-35


  1. In our study of Acts 10:1-35 on Sunday, what caught your attention in the text?

  2. What new development is emerging in the early church, and why is it so significant and important?

  3. What do we learn about Cornelius in Acts 10:1-2 and 22? Why does this good man still need the good news about Jesus Christ that Peter proclaims in Acts 10:36-43? How do Acts 10:15 and Peter’s summary in Acts 15:7-9 (esp. vs. 9) help answer the previous question? Why was Peter called for and sent according to Acts 11:13-14?

  4. What was Peter’s initial emphatic response according to Acts 10:9-16, and how many times did it occur? Though Ananias didn’t object 3 times, he had a similar response when he was told to go to Saul. What do you make of the Bible’s honesty regarding Ananias’ and Peter’s initial reluctance? Can you relate? Have you ever felt the way they did about evangelism or right before sharing your faith with someone?

  5. Though he was initially reluctant, what are the markers in the text of Peter’s slow incremental change and obedience (cf. Acts 10:17-29 and 34-35)? Despite his discomfort and objections, what does Peter say in Acts 10:28-29, and what is his attitude and disposition? How does Peter’s turning and faithful obedience despite his feelings encourage or challenge you in your own response to evangelism?

  6. What does this text teach us about the Holy Spirit's work in evangelism (cf. Rom 10:8-15)? What does Cornelius attribute his vision to in Acts 10:30 and 33? Who does Peter attribute his vision to in Acts 11:12? Like Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch and Ananias and Saul, what do we see here with Peter and Cornelius?

  7. What do we learn from the story of Peter and Cornelius about evangelism as a two-way street of Spirit- instigated proclamation and Spirit-instigated reception, of sanctification and salvation?

  8. Is there anyone the Spirit might be encouraging you to share the gospel with that we can join together in praying for?


Acts 10:1-35


Acts 9:32-43