Acts 10:34-48


  1. What stood out to you this week in our study of Acts 10:34-48?

  2. Why is Peter’s revelation and confession in Acts 10:34-35 and 43 so significant? What does Paul say and celebrate in Ephesians 2:11-13? Why is this such good news for us? How does it inform our evangelism?

  3. How does Peter’s gospel presentation in Acts 10:36-43 differ from his gospel presentation in Acts 2:14-36? What is different about his two audiences that might influence his approach? How would you summarize the gospel message Peter proclaims in Acts 10:36-43? How does Paul summarize the gospel message in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4? What can we learn from how they presented the gospel to different audiences at different times? What help and encouragement does this give you as you share the gospel with others?

  4. Peter says God proclaimed the good news of peace through Jesus Christ (cf (Acts 10:36). According to Acts 10:39b, how did Jesus achieve peace, and how would that have differed from the way this Roman military leader typically achieved peace?

  5. What message did God preach according to Acts 10:36? To this Roman military leader, how was peace typically achieved, and how long did it generally last? How does Jesus achieve peace according to Acts 10:39b? How is Jesus’ peace different from the world’s based on Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:13-19, and John 14:27? How does Jesus’ peace and the way it is achieved shape the message we proclaim and the way we proclaim it?

  6. Based on Acts 10:44-45 and 11:15, what does the Spirit’s presence authenticate to Peter and to the rest of the church? How does the Spirit bear witness in us according to Galatians 5:16-22?

  7. What did Peter tell Cornelius and his household to do in Acts 10:47-48 immediately after they received the message about Jesus and the Holy Spirit? If they have received the Spirit, why does Peter command them to be baptized (cf. Matt 28:19-20, Acts 2:38, 8:12, 16:30-33)? What does baptism proclaim to the surrounding community (cf. 2 Cor 5:17, Gal 3:27-28, Rom 6:3-7)?

  8. In Acts 10, God welcomes Gentiles into the Kingdom family and instructs Peter to do the same. What is the significance of Gentiles welcoming Peter in and asking him to stay with them for a prolonged period of time (cf. Acts 10:48)? What do you notice about gospel hospitality in the narrative of Acts 10? Who is the instigator and means of such gracious welcome? What are some tangible ways we can cultivate and practice gospel hospitality?


Acts 11:1-18


Acts 10:34-48