Acts 13:1-12


  1. What stood out to you from our study of Acts 13:1-12?

  2. What do the names and details in Acts 13:1 tell us about the church at Antioch? What does their unity in the midst of such diversity teach us about the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Why does Jesus pray for our oneness based on John 17:21b? How does our oneness communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ? What do division and disunity communicate?

  3. How did the church come to the idea of sending missionaries? Despite having such gifted and beloved leaders and teachers, how did the church respond when the Spirit nudged them to set apart and send Barnabas and Saul (cf. Acts 13:3)? What can we learn from the church’s willingness to send Barnabas and Saul?

  4. What general contrasts do you observe between Paul and Bar-Jesus/Elymas in Acts 13:1-12? The gospel overcame cultural barriers (Acts 10), but what do we learn about the power of the gospel from this encounter in Acts 13? What hope and encouragement does this offer us as we pray and share the gospel with the lost?

  5. What can we learn from Paul in how he stands against the lies and deceit of the enemy? Though Bar- Jesus means “son of Jesus,” what does Paul call him in his rebuke? How is Paul’s response similar to Jesus in John 8:42-44? What does Paul say in Ephesians 6:12 and Romans 8:13 that sheds light on how we can resist the enemy?

  6. What did you learn from the text this week about the church, prayer, and missions? How would you summarize this text to teach it to children? Is there anything in the text that is encouraging? Are there any attitudes, actions, or affections that need to change as a result of our study?


Acts 13:1-12


Acts 12:20-25