Acts 13:42-52


  1. Acts 13:42-52 provides the response to Paul’s sermon in Acts 13:13-41. What stood out to you in the text?

  2. After Paul presented the good news of forgiveness of sins and right standing with God in Acts 13:16-41 and then called for repentance by quoting Habakkuk 1:5, what was the immediate response in Acts 13:42-43? What does their reaction tell us about them and the gospel message?

  3. What does Paul and Barnabas’ encouragement to “continue in the grace of God” tell us about some in the crowd? What is the grace of God that they urged them to continue in according to Acts 13:38-39? And what does it mean to continue in the grace of God? Why is it so important for us to breathe in the pure oxygen of the gospel before trying to put the oxygen mask on others? What happens if we reverse the order?

  4. How did “almost the whole city” know to gather or know to come hear from Paul on the next Sabbath? What was the result when the Gentiles rejoiced and believed, according to Acts 13:49? What do these responses teach us about the everyday ordinary believer gossiping about the gospel?

  5. How does the response from the Jewish religious leaders in verses 45 and 50 differ from the response of the crowds on the first Sabbath and the Gentiles in verses 48-49? What are the Jewish religious leaders jealous of? What should we expect as we share the good news of the gospel and why (cf. Eph 2:1-3 and 6:12)? What should we also expect as the Holy Spirit goes before us based on Acts 13:48? If we’re going to face spiritual and personal opposition, and there is also going to be fruit and great joy, what should we do?

  6. In the flow of the narrative in Acts 13:42-52, there is a cycle of positive gospel response followed by opposition followed by positive gospel response followed by opposition. Why can’t the opposition stifle the gospel (cf. Matt 16:18, Acts 6:10, Lk 21:14-15)? What encouragement and hope does that offer?

  7. What can we learn from Paul and Barnabas in this text about sharing the gospel with both receptive and unreceptive audiences? What can we learn about non-missionaries sharing the gospel? Was there anything particularly convicting or encouraging in the text or our study?


Acts 14:1-7


Acts 13:42-52