Acts 16:1-10


  1. What did you find interesting or insightful in our study of Acts 16:1-10?

  2. What characteristics does Luke provide when describing Timothy in Acts 16:1-2? What do Acts 16:2, 2 Timothy 1:5, and 3:14-16 teach us about Timothy’s faith and how he became a disciple? What reminders and encouragement does this give to grandparents and parents?

  3. Paul’s general missionary pattern was to enter first into the synagogues in each city he passed (cf. Acts 13:5, 14, 14:1, Acts 17:1-2, 10, and 18:4). Secondarily, he would then turn to present the gospel to Gentiles. What is unique about Timothy according to Acts 16:1 and distinct from Titus according to Galatians 2:3-5? Though circumcision is not required for salvation per the Jerusalem Council (cf. Acts 15:1-35), how does having Timothy circumcised remove any distractions and debate for Jewish audiences and serve Paul’s missionary strategy?

  4. Paul removed distraction and hindrances to faith and kept the gospel of Jesus Christ central. What can we learn from him, and what applications can we make as we seek to share the gospel with others?

  5. In addition to the message of the gospel, what does Paul also present when he returns to Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, and Pisidian Antioch (Acts 16:4)? What does immersing ourselves in “the apostles teaching” (cf Acts 2:42) and re-teaching, clarifying, and confirming the gospel do for the church (vs. 5)? What does that teach us about how we grow in Christ and the importance of daily rehearsing the gospel?

  6. What is interesting about Acts 16:6-8? How does verse 9 stand in contrast? Based on the supernatural evidence of closed doors and the supernatural evidence of an open invitation, what do Paul, Silas, and Timothy reason and conclude according to verse 10? What do we learn about “closed doors” in the plan of God?

  7. Elsewhere in Acts, we’ve seen the Spirit lead through outward and inward, individual and corporate, supernatural and ordinary means. We’ve seen the Spirit use the scriptures, prayer, people, providence, direct revelation, group discussion, and reasoning. Though we’re not explicitly told how the Spirit prevented them in Acts 16:6-8, it is clear that the Father, Son, and Spirit direct their every step and decision. It is also clear that they are faithfully obedient to when, where, and how the Spirit leads. How does all of this convict you and/ or comfort you as you walk with God?

  8. What do we learn from these verses about decision-making and keeping in step with the Spirit (cf. Gal 5:16 and 25)? What is the posture and attitude of the psalmist in Psalm 25:4-5? What confidence can we have down every path the Lord directs us according to Psalm 25:8-10? What truth is proclaimed in Psalm 25:12?

  9. What will you take away and apply from our study?


Acts 16:1-10


Acts 15:36-41