Acts 16:11-15


  1. What did you find encouraging or challenging in our study of Acts 16:11-15?

  2. Like previous journeys, Paul entered a “leading city.” But unlike previous journeys, there appears to be no synagogue to enter. What does this tell us about the demographics of the city? What does Paul do instead (vs. 13)? Why is this significant (cf. Acts 17:4, 12, 34; 18:2)?

  3. What do the characteristics given in verse 14 say about Lydia? In Philippi, we will see Paul sharing the gospel with a wealthy seller of purple goods, a fortune-telling slave girl, and a jailer. What does this teach us about who the gospel is for? Are there any limitations you put on who the gospel is for or who might respond to the gospel?

  4. How did the Lord bring Lydia to saving faith? In Lydia, we see the Lord opening her heart and mind to believe, and we see him doing so using a human messenger. What do we learn from this about evangelism (cf. Rom 10:10-15)? How did the Lord similarly open your heart?

  5. Once inwardly changed, the gospel always has an outward flow. What three outward actions give evidence of Lydia’s inward transformation (vs. 15)?

  6. What is the significance of Lydia opening her home as a place of ministry?

  7. Acts 16:11-40 records Paul evangelizing and establishing a house church in Philippi. That church started in Lydia’s home, and Lydia, her household, the fortune-telling slave girl, and the jailer were likely the earliest members of that congregation. Her home and their church became a gospel outpost in the “leading city” of secular Macedonia. What can we learn about the role of our own homes and church from this?

  8. How does seeing the young and unique congregation in Philippi help us better understand Paul’s words in Philippians 1:3-6, 8-11, 27, 2:3-4, and 2:14-16? What did this house church do for Paul and the gospel message according to Philippians 4:14-18 and how does it resemble Lydia’s initial actions in Acts 16:15?

  9. What will you take away and apply from our study? What thinking, feeling, or actions does this text call us to address and change?


Acts 16:16-24


Acts 16:11-15