Gospel Correction Week 2


  1. What caught your attention, and what did you take away from our study in Gospel Correction today?

  2. Have you ever had someone lovingly correct you? How did you respond initially? How did you feel eventually? Have you ever had a friend correct you in a way that did not feel loving or gentle? How did that feel, and what did you learn from that experience? How does what you learned align with the way the Bible encourages us to reprove and correct?

  3. Read 2 Samuel 12:1-15. What can we learn from Nathan in how he reproved and corrected King David? What do you make of the fact that Nathan told a story before he told David he was “the man”?

  4. Who sent Nathan into David’s life (cf 2 Sam 12:1)? What risks did Nathan face and what fears might he have had in approaching the king and pointing out his sin? What are some of the fears we have in confronting another brother or sister who is in sin? What does James tell us in James 5:19-20? Where might David be were it not for Nathan's faithful obedience and loving rebuke?

  5. Though David sinned against Bathsheba and Uriah, Nathan led David down to the level of his heart. What did Nathan lead David to see there according to 2 Samuel 12:7-9 and Psalm 51:4? Why is this so crucial to repentance and restoration?

  6. Though it was Nathan who reproved and corrected David, who does David credit for breaking his pride and bringing the sting of conviction based on Psalm 51:8? What does God’s loving correction through Nathan lead David to say in Psalm 51:12-15?

  7. In their book Relationships: A Mess Worth Making, Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp argue, “God keeps us in messy relationships for his redemptive purpose. This...fact reminds us that the very thing we would naturally seek to avoid is what God has chosen to use to make us more like him! Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just make your relationships better overnight? We often think that if God really cared for us, he would make our relationships easier. In reality, a difficult relationship is a mark of his love and care.” How might the story of David ended differently had either Nathan or David tried to avoid or squirm out of the relationship, confrontation, or potential conflict?

  8. Based on Hebrews 3:12-13, why is it so important for us to have brothers and sisters like Nathan in our lives? Do you have anyone in your life you can call to your side for encouragement, inspection, and confession? Why or why not? What will it take for us to have brothers and sisters like Nathan in our lives?

  9. What did you learn about the importance of gospel community from this study? What actions, attitudes, or affections need to change as a result of this study? What will you take away and apply from this study?


Gospel Correction Week 2


Gospel Correction Week 1