Acts 16:25-34


  1. What caught your attention in the text and study of Acts 16:25-34?

  2. Though they were innocent, falsely accused, beaten, humiliated, thrown in jail, and tortured, what do you notice about the attitude and actions of Paul and Silas? How did Peter respond when he was imprisoned according to Acts 12:6? How would you have responded to what these men faced? What enabled them to respond in the way that they did? Do you have the same hope and freedom? Why or why not?

  3. Though physically imprisoned, Paul and Silas were free. Though suffering, they sang. What did their hope and peace in the middle of such dark circumstances communicate to the rest of the prisoners and even the jailer? How did God use their suffering and their faith for his glory in Acts 16:25-34?

  4. When they were freed physically after the earthquake, what did Paul and Silas choose to do? Why is it so remarkable that they chose to stay rather than escape? What did staying in the jail secure and preserve for the jailer? What typically happened to jailers if their prisoners escaped (cf. Acts 12:19)?

  5. In two profound ways (through singing and through staying), Paul and Silas communicated the greater hope and greater freedom they had in Jesus. In doing so, the jailer saw that Paul and Silas had a hope, power, character, freedom, and peace that he did not have. What question does that elicit from the jailer in Acts 16:30?

  6. What answer do Paul and Silas give the jailer for how he can be saved and experience the same hope and freedom they have (cf. Acts 16:31)? In verse 31, we see that they give a summary answer, and in verse 32, we see that they give a longer explanation and teaching. How does this help us as we better understand evangelism? What evidence(s) of belief does the jailer display in Acts 16:33-34?

  7. In Acts 16, Luke provides the biographical sketch and conversion of three wildly different people. What does this teach us about the power of the gospel, who the gospel is for, and what the bride of Christ looks like? How does seeing these sketches help you as you share the gospel with friends and family?

  8. How were you encouraged or convicted through our study of Acts 16:25-34?


Acts 16:35-40


Acts 16:25-34