Acts 18:18-28


  1. What did you learn during our study of Acts 18:18-28?

  2. In Acts 18:18-23 Paul is headed home to Antioch after many years of missionary effort. Rather than take a vacation from faithfully sharing the gospel, what does Paul accomplish on his return home? What can we learn from Paul about making the most of every opportunity to share the gospel and disciple others?

  3. To say that Paul went throughout Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples, means he traveled again to places like Lystra and Derbe, where he helped plant churches and where he had spiritual children (cf. Gal 4:19). What do we learn from Paul’s concern to see spiritual children matured in Christ? What does it look like to strengthen disciples, and how can we actively and intentionally do this today?

  4. What do we learn about Apollos in Acts 18:24-26? Though he was competent in the Scriptures and proclaimed Christ, Luke makes clear Apollos still needed further instruction. As one commentator puts it, in their instruction, Aquilla and Priscilla are “not correcting false ideas but clarifying fine points.” What can we learn from Aquila and Priscilla about how to give instruction? What can we learn from Apollos about how to receive instruction?

  5. Notice the chain of discipleship in Acts 18:24-28: 1) Paul discipled Aquilla and Priscilla and then left them to teach and disciple the believers in Ephesus, 2) Aquilla and Priscilla used their God-given gifts and wisdom to disciple Apollos, and then 3) Apollos traveled to Corinth and “greatly helped” the believers there, refuted the Jews, and taught Christ from the scriptures. Who in your life has used their God-given gifts and wisdom to disciple you? Who are you doing that for today?

  6. What are your key takeaways from our study of Acts 18:18-28? Is there anything God is asking you to do as a result of studying Acts 18:18-28?


Acts 18:18-28


Acts 18:1-17