Acts 19:1-10


  1. What did you learn during our study of Acts 19:1-10?

  2. What key differences do you observe between what is said about Apollos (cf. Acts 18:24-25) and what is said about the disciples Paul encounters in Ephesus (cf. Acts 19:1-3)? Why is this significant (cf. Rom 8:9)?

  3. Just calling them “disciples” leaves things ambiguous to the reader. In other words, are they disciples of Jesus or someone else? Are they Christians or something else? This may be Luke’s point and why Paul asks the question about whether they received the Holy Spirit. Do people know whose disciple you are? Do they see the evidence and fruit of the Spirit in your life?

  4. What does John the Baptist make clear in Luke 3:15-17? How does the answer provided by the Ephesian disciples show that even their understanding of John’s baptism is deficient? How do these disciples respond when they hear about the good news of Jesus? Why is Jesus’ ministry and baptism superior to John’s baptism? How does the Spirit’s presence give evidence to this?

  5. How is Paul’s experience in Ephesus (cf. Acts 19:8-10) similar to his experience in Corinth (cf. Acts 18:1-8)? How is it different (cf. Acts 19:8-10)?

  6. Though Ephesus was a thoroughly secular and pagan city, what does the Holy Spirit's presence there teach us? Where did Paul want to go in Acts 16:4-7 and why didn’t he? Now, in Acts 19:10, what is the result of Paul ministering in one of the most significant cities in Asia Minor? What do we learn about the Holy Spirit and his timing from these two scenes? What can we learn from these scenes about our own prayers, evangelism, and discipleship?

  7. What does Paul’s follow-up visit to Ephesus (and elsewhere) teach us about the importance and need for ongoing discipleship? What does Acts 19:10 teach us about the power of the gospel and ongoing discipleship?

  8. What are your key takeaways from our study of Acts 19:1-10? What does this text teach us about being a disciple of Jesus, about the Holy Spirit, and about the power of the gospel and discipleship?


Acts 19:1-10


Acts 18:18-28