Mars Hill Blog
Distracted Disciples
The task of spiritual formation in today’s world is arguably more difficult than ever. Thanks to the advent of the smartphone, disciples have never been more distracted. These devices provide us with instant access to more information than our brains could ever dream of processing. Social media, in particular, is in constant competition for our attention. The never-ending feed of status updates, tweets, and pictures can draw us in for hours of wasted time we can never recapture. The implications for our growth as disciples are massive and virtually impossible to overlook.
Four Stories You Told in 2017
Because of your support we have seen stories of pain turn to joy, stories of death turn to life, and stories of despair turn to hope. God has shown us his goodness and we are grateful to work alongside you as we take part in building the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
As a thank you for being a Story Teller, we want to share four of those moments with you from 2017.
Has the Church Become too Confusing?
We are busy. Families, work, finances, friends, church, kids, sports, science projects, homework, and the list goes on and on.
With so much happening in our lives, how do we evaluate where we are?
Hope For the Homeless
Our initial plan was to find one homeless person in a park downtown, get him some dinner, listen to his story, and share the love of Christ with him any way we could. And that is what we did. At the end of the night we asked if we could return the next week and our new friend said yes. None of us had ever done anything like that before. We had stepped way out of our comfort zones in an attempt to do good works for God.
We left our 1st Community Group (and may leave our new one soon).