Embrace Grace: Spring 2024 (Week 7)
You might recognize this beautiful, smiling face from our 8:45 am services. Mama D started attending Sunday worship with our church family! THIS is why we do Embrace Grace- to see families engage in a relationship with the Lord beyond our weekly EG gatherings. The meals, the childcare, the time, the baby shower gifts….. it is all worth the effort to see lives changed by the power of Christ. Please pray for this sweet Mama that she will continue to seek the beauty, goodness, and truth of the gospel.
While you’re praying, please continue to pray for Embrace Grace in these last few weeks. We are tired, but there is so much love in this ministry! Please pray specifically for the Spirit to calm and comfort everyone each Thursday. Distraction is being used by the enemy, and several of us volunteers really felt that last week in particular. The Lord is moving in the hearts of these women. Thank you, thank you for your support and prayers. Every diaper donation adds up to a mama feeling cared for.