Local Misisons
Our hope at Mars Hill Church is to partner with local ministries already doing kingdom work in our community. Rather than developing a program and and stamping our name on it, we want to find those in our community already hard at work and come alongside them in this work.
We currently partner alongside several local ministries through prayer, financial giving, and volunteering with them. Read more about these programs below.
Victory Health Partners
As a witness for Jesus Christ, Victory Health Partners exists to minister to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the medically under-served by providing affordable, quality healthcare services. We recognize that God is the True Healer and the source of all. We seek to know Jesus Christ, His Son, and to make Him known.
Friends of Internationals
Friends of Internationals is a ministry and registered students organization (at the University of South Alabama) focused on reaching international students with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This ministry began in 1996 and has been directed by Jim and Mary Mather since the summer of 1998. The major focus is developing meaningful friendships that honor Jesus Christ and display his love and mercy. As we begin building these relationships, God has been faithful in developing a 'home away from home' for students, refugees and others in need of community.
Women's Resource Center
We provide practical assistance, encouragement, and unconditional love to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. We are dedicated to providing them with the opportunity to examine their lives, understand their options and gather vital information regarding their alternatives. Our goal is always to help women and families make healthy and responsible decisions concerning themselves and their unborn children.
Ransom Ministries
Ransom Ministries believes following Jesus through serving others can transform individuals, families, communities, and the world.
Ransom Ministries empowers people to overcome spiritual, relational and material poverty through knowing Jesus and serving others.
Light of the Village
We are a front-line, hands-on Christian ministry designed to share Christ's message of faith, hope, and love to the inner city.
We serve six days a week inside this community and strive to provide a consistent presence where the love of Christ can be discovered.
Women's Care Medical Center
Women's Care Medical Center helps people explore all their options and assists them in making a healthy and fully informed decision.
Alabama Baptist Children's Homes
The purpose of Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries is to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services.
Our priorities include providing homes for children, providing professional counseling, providing educational services and family assistance, and providing administration that maximizes resources.
NEED: Afghan Resettlement Fund
With the creation of this fund through Dwell Mobile, you are able to provide direct support for the needs of newly arriving families. Below are examples of ways the funds will be used.
Food assistance
Housing assistance
Clothing needs
Home good needs
Phone & internet assistance
Immigration assistance needs
NEED: Client Advocates at WRC
The Women’s Resource Center in Mobile is looking for female volunteers to serve as Client Advocates. These volunteers will go through extensive training before sitting one-on-one with women with unplanned pregnancies. This is a beautiful opportunity to share the love of Christ with those in our community.
SERVE NOW: Embrace Grace
Mars Hill Church is now an Embrace Grace host, meaning we are offering a 10-week Bible Study for women who come through the Women’s Resource Center. At the end of the 10-weeks, we throw a huge baby shower for our new friends. If you’d like to get involved with this incredible ministry, we always need the following:
baby supplies
encouraging handwritten notes
dinner for the group
childcare during bible study
Fostering Together Gulf Coast
Fostering Together Gulf Coast is connecting the resources and generosity of the community with the needs of children in foster care and foster and adoptive families in the Alabama Gulf Coast region.
Brad Hill
Missions Pastor