Acts 8:26-40


  1. What caught your attention, encouraged you, or challenged you in our study of Acts 8:26- 40 on Sunday? How does this text further fulfill Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8?

  2. What do we learn in this text about the Spirit’s role in evangelism (e.g., Acts 8:26, 29, and 40)?

  3. What do we learn about our role in evangelism from Philip’s response to the Spirit’s leading (e.g., Acts

    8:27, 30, 40)?

  4. Who is the Ethiopian eunuch, and why is it so amazing that the gospel has come to him? What were the first two questions the Ethiopian eunuch asked in the text? Based on what he is reading, his context, and his circumstances, what might the Ethiopian eunuch be longing for, and how does our suffering servant Jesus fulfill those longings (e.g., Is 52:13-53:12 and Is 56:3-5)?

  5. How did Philip share the gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch and what can we learn from this as we go about gossiping the good news with friends, family, co-workers, and classmates? How do Philip’s actions resemble Jesus in Luke 24:13-32? Could you articulate the gospel or explain how the whole Bible points to Jesus? If not, where might you need to grow in your understanding, and how can we help one another grow in that area?

  6. In Acts 8:37, what does the Ethiopian eunuch want to do, and what does his reaction tell us about repentance, faith, and the gospel? What does baptism picture and confess?

  7. So far, who has Philip served and shared the good news of Jesus with (e.g., Acts 6:1-4, 8:5, 8:26-27), and how are they each extremely different from Philip? What does this text teach us about who, where, and when the gospel is for? What do we learn from Philip about the attitude and response we ought to have to the nudges of the Spirit and the Great Commission? Have you ever had an experience like Philip’s?

  8. What does this text teach us about the power of the gospel to bring hope and transformation? What does this text teach us about how good the good news of Jesus really is?

  9. Who in your life might the Spirit be directing you to “go over,” walk alongside, ask questions, and share the gospel? Spend time as a community group asking God to reveal those individuals and pray for them and for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with them.


Acts 8:26-40


Acts 8:9-25