Acts 14:1-7


  1. In Acts 14:1-7 Paul and Barnabas travel to Iconium. What caught your attention in the text and in our study this week?

  2. Entering first into the synagogue is a regular pattern in Paul’s missionary efforts (cf. Acts 13:5, 14, 14:1, Acts 17:1-2, 10, and 18:4). Some translations of Acts 14:1 read, “Now at Iconium they entered as usual or as was their custom into the Jewish synagogue...” Why was the Jewish synagogue such a good starting place in each city for them to present the gospel of Jesus Christ? What foundational beliefs would they have held in common with Paul and Barnabas? What helpful principles can we glean from their pattern of evangelism?

  3. Based on Acts 14:1, what is the initial response when Paul and Barnabas present Jesus, and what does it tell us about the beauty of the gospel and the longing of their hearts?

  4. Though their location and circumstances changed, what remains the same with Paul and Barnabas in Iconium? What can we learn from this as we share the gospel with others?

  5. When Paul and Barnabas were on Cyprus, Elymas tried to turn Sergius Paulus away from the faith (cf. Acts 13:8). When they were in Pisidian Antioch the Jewish religious leaders reviled them and incited the devout women and leading men against them (Acts 13:45, 50). Now unbelieving Jews stir up and poison the Gentiles against them (Acts 14:2). Why is Acts 14:3 so surprising in light of the opposition they face? What can we learn from Paul and Barnabas “remaining for a long time” and“speaking boldly?” How do these two things testify to the word of God’s grace (cf. Acts 20:18-22 and 1 Thess 1:5)?

  6. Though a multitude believed, some protested. What can we expect as we share the gospel (cf. John 15:18-21, 16:33)? What can we learn from the division that occurred in the city (cf. Matt 16:13-15)? Why is the word of God’s grace so divisive? What does God’s grace proclaim to wealthy Iconiums and unbelieving Jews?

  7. What can we learn from Paul and Barnabas's faithful presence and persistence as we seek to share the gospel with our family, friends, and co-workers? How does their example encourage or convict you? What will you take away and apply from our study?


Acts 14:8-21


Acts 14:1-7