Acts 14:8-21


  1. In Acts 14:8-21 Paul and Barnabas travel to Lystra and Derbe. What caught your attention in the text and in our study this week?

  2. This healing of a paralytic by Paul is nearly identical to the miracles Peter and Jesus perform in Acts 3:1-10 and Luke 5:17-26. What does that tell us about Paul? In restoring the paralytic, Paul has essentially given the man new life. What does this physical healing teach us about the spiritual reality of the gospel?

  3. How did the people respond to the miracle? How did Paul and Barnabas respond to the response of the crowds (cf Acts 14:14-15)? How is Paul’s response similar to Peter’s in Acts 3:12, 16, and 10:25-26? Despite such a display of power, what do Peter, Paul, and Barnabas’ reactions tell us about their understanding of themselves and the point of the miracles? Why is seeing their humility so encouraging, and what can we learn and apply from it?

  4. While in previous towns, in his initial encounters in synagogues, Paul appealed to the Old Testament to make the case for God’s grace in Jesus. What does he initially appeal to in Acts 14:15-16 to make the case for God’s grace in Jesus? Why is that instructive and helpful to see?

  5. While Paul’s audiences in Pisidian Antioch and Iconium were largely religiously informed, most scholars point out that his audience in Lystra is pagan and irreligious. What can we learn from Paul in that he maintains the gospel message (i.e., turn from lifeless things to the living God) but adapts his gospel presentation uniquely to each audience he encounters?

  6. Paul invites his audience to turn away from vain, empty, lifeless things and trust in the full, satisfying, and living God. Why is this such a powerful message to both religious and irreligious people? What does the contrast he makes between empty/ lifeless and full/ living teach us about the gospel and the hope that we have?

  7. What do you notice about the opposition in Acts 14:19? What do their long-distance travel and their desire to stone Paul tell us about their view of the grace of God in Jesus? Why is grace such an offensive message and so difficult for some to receive?

  8. What do Paul and Barnabas do after Paul is stoned? What does that tell us about their faithful persistence but, more importantly, the faithful persistence of the gospel message?

  9. What can we learn from Paul and Barnabas's visit to Lystra and Derbe as we seek to faithfully share the gospel with our family, friends, co-workers, and the world? How does their example encourage or convict you? What will you take away and apply from our study?


Acts 14:8-21


Acts 14:1-7