Embrace Grace Update Page
What started as a rather small gathering of one or two local pregnant women along with a handful of Mars Hill volunteers has exploded into a thriving ministry. We’re adding chairs to tables every Thursday night and stashing diaper box donations in every nook and cranny of the church building. As the ministry has grown, so have the needs of those we serve. Rather than letting it take over the weekly e-mail, I’m creating this unlinked page for weekly updates so that those whose hearts are pulled toward this ministry can be more in the know. Details will still be kept private out of respect to those involved, but there is so much beauty coming out of these gatherings that we happily want to share!
We’ll share updates, prayer requests, and special donation needs here. But if you want to really feel the joy for yourself, you are always invited to join us on Thursday nights at 6 pm in the Mars Kids Room.
Email tricia@pomh.org with questions or comments.
P.S.- this picture was from the fall session- we have added so many more to our group since then!