Spring 2024: Week 3
This week’s study of the book “Spiritual Conversations with Children” focused on how Jesus connected with children and how God chose each of us and longed us into being. What a tender, beautiful truth for so many women in the room last Thursday. Many of them feel used up and unwanted. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity for them to hear about Your great love for them. They can’t hear it enough. We are so grateful to get to remind them of that.
The book encourages families to make a Holy Listening Box full of strategies for adults to listen to kids as they process through their lives and connect their experiences to God. Last week, we passed out boxes for everyone. This week, we added our first object: a candle.
Holy Listening time is very rhythmic, intentional, and formal. We learned how to formally begin a Holy Listening session with the lighting of a candle to signify that this time together is not improvised or squeezed in; rather, it’s valuable and prioritized. The light of the candle focuses our mind and heart on this time and encourages us to put away distractions for a time.
We practiced the act of beginning a Holy Listening Session and reflected on our childhood spirituality, sharing what we believed as children.
After that, we had a baby shower for one of our sweet mamas (we’ll call her Mama A)! Mama A has two boys and a daughter and is welcoming another girl in two weeks. She is single and works full-time at an urgent care. Please pray for her and her children as they all prepare to make this transition in the coming days. All our EG Moms are overwhelmed and that is very much the case for Mama A. She rarely opens up, but when she has, you really feel the weight of all she has going on. She is carrying a lot, not just a baby.
I asked Mama A if she had any specific needs:
-mattress for a crib, diapers/wipes, diaper bag
If you can donate any of the above, e-mail tricia@pomh.org and I will get it to her.