Mars Hill Blog

Missions Tricia Butts Missions Tricia Butts

Healthcare Hope During a Pandemic

The pandemic seems to have dug its tentacles into every thread of our lives, obviously healthcare being at the forefront. As one of our local missions partnerships, Victory Health Partners has certainly felt the effects of the past year.

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Missions Mars Hill Church Missions Mars Hill Church

Partners in Ministry: Victory Health

We hear the personal, heartbreaking stories of families struggling through medical issues, and we want to help, we’re just not sure what to do. So for many of us, we let the compassion for these families fade as soon as the news cuts to commercial. Because when the problem is so big and overwhelming and complex, well, how could one person make a dent?

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Missions, Stories Mars Hill Church Missions, Stories Mars Hill Church

PEOPLE of Mars Hill: Christa Hewett

Dispensing meds and administering rapid malaria tests to people in a poverty-stricken village in Africa is not a typical day for Christa Hewett. At home in Mobile, she is a wife, mother to three young kiddos, full-time nurse, and active Mars Hill Church member.

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